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Commander's Message

Commander's Message


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My Leadership Philosophy

I believe that being a leader is a calling and a privilege. This privilege comes with some heavy burdens and many responsibilities and one of the most important is to inspire those who have chosen to serve. I have humbly accepted the privilege of inspiring others to attain the vision and mission of the Civil Air Patrol.
The most important asset that the Civil Air Patrol has in its tool belt is the membership. Without the membership no amount of equipment, funding or training has a purpose. It is my responsibility as a leader to know my staff and fellow members, support their education and training, and recognize their individuality and achievements. There is only one way for me to accomplish this and that is for me to be accessible and available.
Words are merely words and they carry no weight or meaning without action. My actions will speak louder than my words. I will lead by example and always take the opportunity to work with all staff and members of the Civil Air Patrol.
Innovation is a tool that is imperative to continued growth and relevance. I will always empower and encourage our members to be innovative, creative and free thinkers while being consistent with the mission and vision of the Civil Air Patrol.
I believe that recognition of others is a key responsibility of a true leader and I will always be conscious of the contributions of all of the members of the Civil Air Patrol. I realize that some want more recognition and some desire less but as a leader I will always give positive feedback and recognition. 
Finally the most important responsibility that a leader bears is that of growing tomorrow’s leaders today. I will make every effort to consistently demonstrate positive leadership and to grow our members, both cadet and senior, into the leaders that will make tomorrow the best tomorrow it could possibly be.




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